Saturday, January 29

I love surprises!

Ok, maybe not all the time, but when it comes with a gift, I really like it! :)
My sweet hubby came home yesterday with a present for me! I've been eyeing the New Balance Tonifiant {butt toners} but thought it was ridonkulous to pay that much for shoes that probably won't tone up my butt and thighs without me having to do anything extra. ha!
Well, he came home with some cute pink ones for me! I'm so excited! Just in time for the 2-week state testing coming up where I will be walking around aimlessly for hours a day in April! :)

But before you start your judging on oh-no-he-didn't-call-her-butt-big thought, I've had my eye on them for a while and think I'll be seeing some tennis-shoe wearing ahead in my future! I'm starting to re-think my high heels everyday at work thing anyway. :)

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